Sacred reminders for courageous hearts
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7 causes of lack of safety and how you’re affected (even if you think you’re safe)
Not feeling safe is at the core of many of your struggles, worries and problems. But even if your life feels okay and you think you feel pretty safe, you will still be affected by a lack of safety, you just might not realise it. In this article, I’ll reveal how lack of safety exists and how it affects you.
What is it like to not be safe? Here’s 31 signs that you might be affected by lack of safety
Not feeling safe is more common than you realise. You might not know that you don’t feel fully safe or that what you’re really seeking though your goals and actions in the world is deeper levels of safety. So here’s my list of 31 signs that a lack of safety might be impacting your life.
What does it mean to feel safe? My definition and 5 core components of safety
Many people don’t feel truly safe, they just don’t know that’s what they are experiencing. Here's my definition of safety and the 5 core components that contribute to feeling safe to help you understand what it means to be safe and assess how safe you feel.
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