Sacred reminders for courageous hearts
Navigate your empathy and sensitivity as well as life’s challenges and changes with compassion, grit and grace.
Knowledge, insights, tips, rituals, practices and inspiration to support and empower you
Feeling anxious, stressed or panicked? Read my love letter for your stuck or panicked soul
Dear lost, searching, trying, sensitive soul,
If change has been forced upon you. If the rug has been pulled out from under your feet.
If what you had is lost or taken from you and you’ve been thrown into a sudden abyss of darkness and uncertainty. If your way is lost, you’ve lost your vision, become directionless, disoriented, confused and you don’t know what to do, who or where to turn to.
Your body may be panicking. You might be fearful and anxious, desperate and scrambling to find a way out of your situation. Your nervous system will be automatically making you react into fight, flight, freeze or fawn.
But don’t rush to take the first step that comes to mind to get you out of your experience and away from where you don’t want to be unless the house is on fire or you are in some other kind of immediate danger. Don’t scramble to retrace your steps to find out where you went wrong to end up in this place for nothing is wrong despite what you may think. This may be confusing but stay with me and you’ll understand.
The power of liminal places for healing and change
During the course of your life you will arrive in liminal spaces many times where you finish one chapter in your life but the next one hasn’t started yet or when you know you need to make changes but don’t know what to do or are avoiding change. Being in a liminal time in your life can make you feel fear, worry, anxiety, uncertainty and even panic. You feel the fear because this is an incredible and powerful window of opportunity.
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